You won't get up to go to the restroom or make dinner because one of them is laying on you. You're more than willing to allow several hours to pass and often times skip a meal all together
You and your spouse sleep on the edge of the bed because you don't want to disturb them...even if they have over half of it
You know exactly what each "meow" means, and they're not always nice
Your um...**cough cough** "private time" has to be rearranged to accommodate their sleeping arrangements
You have one. Period.
You get up to let her out without being asked
You work on your computer standing up because he's taken over the computer chair
You DON'T work on your computer because she's laying on the keyboard
Your friends receive e-mails saying "Hi! How are you? Things are glkehtliuglf0"94haklhr67097yQ$^Y[
You keep anything breakable in places where you know the cat won't be walking (which doesn't leave many places left for such things)
You put comfortable fleecy throws in her favorite sleeping spots in the winter so she won't get cold
You take your computer and/or iPhone in for servicing and the technician tells you that "there appears to be cat hair inside"."
You sleep in the guest bedroom because the bed in the master bedroom is too high for your elderly cat to jump up on